
Disabled access Glasgow is run by and for people with disability and aims to give anyone a chance to informally rate and search accessibility of buildings in Glasgow including restaurants, clubs, bars and shops because I firmly believe people with a disability deserve a good night out as much as anyone else.
This is a very simple and hopefully user friendly site. The most recent reviews will come up on the home page and all other posts can be found by searching the categories: bars, cafes, restaurants, museums/ attractions/ disabled musings
Hope thats all clear- we really welcome your feedback and posts
DISCLAIMER: I am coming from the perspective of a 20 something who’s been in and out of a wheelchair, on and off crutches and generally challenged by things like stairs for the past couple years.
I am NOT trained in accessibility so provide a broad guide on whether there are lots of stairs vs. a ramp etc. For exact measurements and widths etc you would have to call but it should give a guide.
Second I can only speak for myself and my physical disability. I know there are many other disabilities out there so if any one would like to contribute their expertise that would be appreciated.

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